“Articulated Fantasy Sculpture” by Susan Webb Rebecchi

Paper cut relief art work that takes you to a fantastical place.


Jan 26 2024 - Mar 31 2024


10:00 am - 5:00 pm

The Fiber Arts Studio/ Gallery, inside the Lincoln City Cultural Center, is hosting a beautiful new exhibit by Susan Webb Rebecchi entitled “Articulated Fantasy Sculpture”. Opening Reception- Friday, January 26, 2024, 2pm (artist talk at 3pm).

Susan Webb Rebecchi grew up on the Oregon Coast but spent her professional years as a textile designer in New Your City. Her initial experience was as a designer and colorist in the studio of the French home furnishing company Brunschwig and Fils. After
10 years working with museum documents and supervising the manufacturing of fabrics and wall covering, she decided that she was ready to work independently. She created her own company and licensed her original designs in the US and Europe.
During her 35 years as a designer she had the opportunity to travel, researching design and overseeing the manufacturing of her work in Europe, India, Morocco and Japan.

In 2010 she returned to Oregon with her husband where she continued working from her Portland studio. Being in Oregon offered the opportunity to explore new creative directions and medium. She also began sharing her creative process and love of historic design thru lectures to students and professionals.

This body of work, including many articulated paper sculptures and vignettes were inspired by Susan’s love of fantasy and nature. As a traveler and textile designer she is fascinated by Persian, Indian and Oriental motifs with their stylized, fantastic vision of
nature. She also loves the idea of a posable animated character and the imagined world they might live in. These characters are prototypes for Susan’s further creative projects. These magical characters and their fantastical environments will be on display at the Fiber Arts Studio /Gallery in the Lincoln City Cultural Center through March 31, 2024.

Lincoln City Cultural Center, at 540 NE Hwy. 101 in Lincoln City.- business hours: 10 to 5 Wednesday through Sunday).
For more information call 541-994-9994, head to lincolncity-culturalcenter.org, or become a friend on Facebook.