Lincoln City Cultural Center
540 NE Hwy 101
Lincoln City, OR 97367
TAX ID No: 91-1821013
(541) 994-9994 • 540 NE Hwy 101, Lincoln City, OR 97367 • EIN 91-1821013
“In other cities, Tuesday might seem like an odd time for an event,” said Niki Price, executive director of the LCCC. “But we are a tourist town, and Tuesday night IS the weekend for many people in the hospitality industry. We’re all looking for ways to enjoy ourselves while we keep our distance, and we thought that an outdoor market might be just the thing.”
Observing the latest in state and local safety guidelines, the LCCC intends to offer a variety of vendors including baked goods, soaps, produce, hand-crafted gifts and hot food options. Attendance will be limited to ensure the safety of both vendors and patrons. Nonprofit booths are welcome. Live music may be introduced when the state and county guidelines allow.
“The Tuesday Night Thing is a new program, inspired by the need for safe outdoor entertainment for Lincoln City residents as well as the need for vendors to reach their customers,” Price said. “Management will be making the best decisions we can, based on the best information available. We look forward to creating a fun, casual evening market for our community to enjoy.”
To learn more about the TNT or become a vendor, call the LCCC at 541-994-9994.
The Tuesday Night Thing will be practicing General Operations Requirements as outlined by the Oregon Farmers Market Association, including:
These and other guidelines can be found at
Lincoln City Cultural Center
540 NE Hwy 101
Lincoln City, OR 97367
TAX ID No: 91-1821013
Monday: CLOSED
Tuesday: CLOSED
Wednesday: 10am to 5pm
Thursday: 10am to 5pm
Friday: 10am to 5pm
Saturday: 10am to 5pm
Sunday: 10am to 5pm
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