Lincoln City Cultural Center
540 NE Hwy 101
Lincoln City, OR 97367
TAX ID No: 91-1821013
(541) 994-9994 • 540 NE Hwy 101, Lincoln City, OR 97367 • EIN 91-1821013
The Lincoln City Cultural Center is delighted to announce the 2023 Surftides Festival of Illusions. This year’s festival is one of our biggest yet with new acts, returning magicians, concerts, workshops, photo opportunities and a mobile escape room. This family friendly event will have both daytime activities and evening performances for all ages, all taking place at the Cultural Center.
With nine days of festivities planned from March 23rd to April 1st, there will be something happening every day, rain or shine. All evening show seating is reserved, so make sure to get your tickets early and claim your desired seats by calling the LCCC at 541-994-9994 or by clicking this link: Buy 4 or more tickets and get a group discount of 10% off your entire order. Special thanks to Surftides Hotel, Amy Graham of Taylor & Taylor Realty and the City of Lincoln City for their generous and continued support.
This year’s festival will feature reality-bending performances from the likes of The Amazing Bubble Man, Jeff Evans Science Magic, Alex Zerbe the Zaniac, the Magical Mr. B, Peter Irish the Foot Juggler, Dr. Delusions Illusions and the extraordinarily talented Carisa Hendrix. Each show offers a memorable performance that is different from the last; prepare to be tricked, amazed, even hoodwinked! Click this link for ticketing and a description of each event:
Before the evening performances, stop by for the daytime activities planned for the week of the Festival. These include: The all ages Magic Art Studio, Paint a Pufferfish ceramic workshop, The Princess Dress Up Tea and Photo Shoot, a Balloon Twisting Workshop with the Magical Mr. B., a free morning concert with Harmonica Pocket and a Cookie Decorating Class. Click this link for ticketing and a description of each event:
These Festival of Illusions performances, classes and activities will not be the only attractions for the week. The Fiber Arts Studio Gallery will be hosting a show titled “Filaments” by the Weaving Guild of Oregon. This juried traveling exhibit will go to six locations including the Lincoln City Cultural Center. This show will display multicolored, high-quality filaments to be enjoyed by the public during the center’s special Festival of Illusions hours, 10am to 4 pm daily, March 23-April 2.
Families can even take a little of the magic home: Themed Art Kits, made by our wonderful volunteers and the LCCC Artistic Director Krista Eddy, will be available while supplies last. Members of the public are invited to “shop” the art kit room, located next to Margaret’s Meeting Room, upstairs at the LCCC. Art Kits are by donation — pay what you can and enjoy crafting with the little ones in your life.
The Festival of Illusions began in 2011 as a way to provide weather-proof, affordable family entertainment during Oregon’s public school spring break. It was cancelled suddenly by COVID in 2020 but resumed in 2021. “This is always such an exciting time of year,” said LCCC Executive Director Niki Price. “The Festival of Illusions kicks off the busy season at the LCCC. We love the excitement these performances bring for all who attend. The audience arrives expecting some light-hearted entertainment, and they leave smiling ear to ear.”
The Lincoln City Cultural Center is located at 540 NE Highway 101, Lincoln City, OR. 97367. The LCCC galleries will be open 10am – 4pm throughout the festival week. For inquiries or ticketing, call us at 541-994-9994.
Thursday, March 23 — Get your festival started early!
10-4 Cultural Center and Art Packet Pickup Room open
7 pm On Stage: The Amazing Bubble Man
Friday, March 24
10-4 Cultural Center and Art Packet Pickup Room open
5-7 pm Opening Reception, WEGO “Filaments” FREE
Traveling Exhibit by the Weaving Guild of Oregon, Chessman and Fiber Arts Galleries
Saturday, March 25
10-4 Cultural Center and Art Packet Pickup Room open
Chessman and Fiber Arts Galleries open
7 pm On Stage: Carisa Hendrix
Sunday, March 26
10-4 Cultural Center and Art Packet Pickup Room open
Chessman and Fiber Arts Galleries open
7 pm On Stage: Jeff Evans Science Magic
Monday, March 27
10-4 Cultural Center and Art Packet Pickup Room open
Chessman and Fiber Arts Galleries open
10-Noon Magic Art Studio (all ages, drop in)
2 pm Workshop: Balloon Twisting with The Magical Mr. B
7 pm On Stage: Alex Zerbe the Zaniac
Tuesday, March 28
10-4 Cultural Center and Art Packet Pickup Room open
Chessman and Fiber Arts Galleries open
10-Noon Magic Art Studio (all ages, drop in)
11 am Free concert with Harmonica Pocket (Great for kids ages 2-8) FREE
7 pm On Stage: The Magical Mr. B
Wednesday, March 29
10-4 Cultural Center and Art Packet Pickup Room open
Chessman and Fiber Arts Galleries open
10-Noon Magic Art Studio (all ages, drop in)
NOON Paint a Puffer Ceramics Workshop
7 pm On Stage: Peter Irish, Champion Foot Juggler
Thursday, March 30
10-4 Cultural Center and Art Packet Pickup Room open
Chessman and Fiber Arts Galleries open
10-Noon Magic Art Studio (all ages, drop in)
2 pm Princess Dress Up Tea and Photo Shoot with Lincoln City Playhouse
7 pm On Stage: Dr. Delusions Illusions
Friday, March 31
10-4 Cultural Center and Art Packet Pickup Room open
Chessman and Fiber Arts Galleries open
10-Noon Magic Art Studio (all ages, drop in)
2 pm Cookie Decorating Class
7 pm Dance Showcase featuring “Jouissance”
Saturday, April 1
10-4 Cultural Center and Art Packet Pickup Room open
Chessman and Fiber Arts Galleries open
7 pm Fool’s Day Cabaret with Chehalem Valley Vaudeville
Lincoln City Cultural Center
540 NE Hwy 101
Lincoln City, OR 97367
TAX ID No: 91-1821013
Monday: CLOSED
Tuesday: CLOSED
Wednesday: 10am to 5pm
Thursday: 10am to 5pm
Friday: 10am to 5pm
Saturday: 10am to 5pm
Sunday: 10am to 5pm
Updates about upcoming events, special events, and other activities at the Cultural Center— with the occasional special discount on tickets!
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