
Conversation Project group with several people sitting in a circle

Ecology of Creative Space: Gathering Inspiration From the Natural World

Free discussion about creative spaces and the natural world set for Sunday, Feb. 17

Oregon is experiencing a shift in the landscape of creative spaces in our communities. Population changes, (dis)investment, public policy or the lack of it, and climate change have all had…

Kuri Gill of Oregon Heritage talks with John Lavrakas of the Newport Symphony Orchestra

Conversations with Grant Funders and Partners

More than $5 million in funding available for arts & cultural non-profits in 2019

More than $5 million in funding will be available when Oregon Cultural Trust Manager Aili Schreiner joins with colleagues from the Cultural Trust’s Statewide Partners and other funders Feb. 12…

Mill Creek Fantasy by Ralph Elliott

“Imaging Time” by Ralph Elliott

This exhibit is a collection of photography, by local artist Ralph Elliott, comprised primarily of water and immersed object images creating ephemeral landscapes that emphasize action, event, process and time….

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