“Enchanted Grounds” by Janet Runger and Veta Bakhtina
This whimsical and magical exhibit will be an exploration of the collaboration between these two skilled artists
Janet Runger is an American assemblage artist. She is a lifelong artifact collector with a background in art education.
Veta Bakhtina is a Russian classical oil painter with a background in set design. She draws her inspiration from her trans-cultural background and heritage.
The collaboration between these two artists started through friendship and with a simple line drawing of a “hoarder bug” by Veta which Janet then turned it into a three dimensional assemblage masterpiece. They have collaborated in this fashion, bouncing off inspiration from one another ever since. Both have an eye and heart for the deep, magical, and mysterious that inspires their work. This whimsical and magical exhibit will be an exploration of the collaboration between these two skilled artists. It will be open to the public from 10-4, Thursday-Sunday (and by appointment) through Jan. 31, 2022.